Battery Storage

Reduce your electricity costs and secure the future

The use of Solar panels to produce energy and electricity is now increasingly popular to secure energy autonomy. The reliance on the grid power for homes and businesses is also changing as instability increases.

Furthermore the elevating stress on the grid from electric cars and transportation will mean that businesses and homeowners need to become more independent to produce their own power. Within the UK the solar production in high months can be up to 5 hours per day and in the winter much less.

The use of battery storage and an energy management system increases the possibility to become more autonomous. It also shortens the time for the return on investment of a solar pv installation with battery storage. Knight & Day Solar Installations are looking to offer a different solution for property owners where the asset is a functioning mechanism to reduce and offset energy costs. Plus also the reliance on the grid and creating power when it is required for the homeowner or business.

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Battery storage

Battery storage complements a solar panel array by addressing the intermittency of solar power and enhancing the system's overall functionality. Here's why battery storage is beneficial:

1. Energy Availability Anytime

  • Solar Panels Only Produce Power in Sunlight: Without storage, solar panels can't provide power at night or during cloudy weather. A battery stores excess energy generated during the day for use when the sun isn't shining.

2. Maximizing Self-Consumption

  • Reduce Grid Dependence: Battery storage allows homeowners and businesses to use more of the energy they generate, minimizing reliance on the utility grid.
  • Energy Cost Savings: By using stored energy during peak demand times when grid electricity is more expensive, users can lower their energy bills.

3. Backup Power Supply

  • Power During Outages: A battery system can provide electricity during grid outages, ensuring critical appliances and systems continue running.

4. Load Shifting and Time-of-Use Optimization

  • Charge When Electricity Is Cheap: Batteries can store energy when grid electricity rates are low (e.g., off-peak hours) and use it during high-rate periods.
  • Reduce Peak Demand: Using stored energy during peak hours helps avoid costly demand charges, especially for businesses.

5. Smoothing Solar Power Intermittency

  • Stabilizing Power Supply: Solar energy output can vary due to weather conditions. Batteries smooth these fluctuations, providing a consistent power supply.

6. Grid Independence and Resilience

  • Off-Grid Applications: For remote locations or those seeking complete energy independence, battery storage enables the use of solar power as a standalone system.
  • Energy Resilience: A solar-plus-storage system enhances energy security, especially in areas with unreliable grids.

7. Improved Energy Efficiency

  • Avoid Curtailment: In some cases, solar panels may need to stop generating when the grid or on-site consumption can't use all the energy. Batteries store this surplus instead of wasting it.

8. Environmental Benefits

  • Reduce Fossil Fuel Reliance: By storing and using renewable energy, users decrease their reliance on fossil fuels, contributing to a cleaner environment.

9. Grid Support and Stabilization

  • Distributed Energy Resource: Battery storage can support the grid by providing ancillary services like frequency regulation, voltage stabilization, and peak shaving.

10. Increased Solar Panel System ROI

  • Higher Return on Investment: By enabling more efficient use of solar energy, battery storage can shorten the payback period for a solar system and maximize long-term savings.


Battery storage transforms a solar panel array into a reliable, flexible, and efficient energy solution. It ensures energy availability, reduces costs, and enhances both environmental and grid benefits, making it a critical component for maximizing the potential of solar power.

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